Newborn Well-Being Checkup

The Medical Examination

We will do a comprehensive assessment of your infant shortly after birth. This initial visit is intended to evaluate several areas of your baby's health:

1.  Apgar score: It assesses your baby's general condition by taking into account factors such as heart rate, breathing effort, muscle tone, reflexes, and skin color. It assists healthcare providers in determining your baby's current health status.

2. Physical Examination: Your baby's vital signs, reflexes, and overall physical condition will be rigorously checked to ensure a good start.

3. Vital Statistics: Your baby's weight, length, and head circumference are measured. These measures provide important information about their growth and development.

Follow-up Pediatrician Visits

It's critical to see a pediatrician on a regular basis after you leave the hospital. These follow-up meetings are critical for monitoring your baby's growth, development, and overall health. During these visits, your pediatrician will:

1. Keep track of your baby's weight, height, and head circumference to ensure they are developing normally.

2. Conduct physical exams to look for symptoms of health problems.

3. Address any concerns or questions you have about your baby's health or well-being. 


Immunizations are critical for safeguarding your child from potentially fatal infections. The recommended immunization schedule may differ depending on where you live, however some frequent vaccines include:

1. Hepatitis B: Usually administered at birth.

2. DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis): begins at the age of two months.

3. Polio (IPV): begins at the age of two months.

4. Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b): begins at the age of two months.

5. PCV13 (Pneumococcal conjugate): begins at the age of two months.

6. RV (Rotavirus): begins at the age of two months.

7. MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella): Starts between the ages of 12 and 15 months.

8. Varicella (Chickenpox): Starts between the ages of 12 and 15 months.

Finally, newborn health checks, adequate care, and vaccines are critical to your baby's health. Keep in touch with us, ask questions, and seek advice to ensure your infant thrives and is protected from preventable diseases. Your concern for their well-being is an investment in their promising future.